【同义词辨析】 2020-03-17 缺乏lack-require

lack: may imply either an absence OR a shortage in supply: a club that ~s a room to meet in.  absence缺席,不在

want: adds to lack the implication of needing or desiring urgently: you may have whatever you ~.    这里urgent迫切没有译出,也不需辨析

need: stresses urgent necessity more than absence or shortage: everyone ~s a friend.

require: is often interchangeable with need but it may heighten the implication of urgent necessity: a situation that ~d drastic measures.

lack缺乏: 可指完全没有数量不足,want需要: 指缺乏并且需要,need需要: 强调需要而非缺乏,require迫切需要: 进一步强调迫切需要,与need可互换

记忆方法: 1)首字母LWNR想成左右为难<==缺乏       ""是形声字,本义是"器具破损",从缶夬声。"缶"fǒu是瓦器,""也表意: 水缺为"",玉缺为"",器缺为"",都有"破损"的意思,说文:"缺,器破也"。引申为"缺漏不完整",如缺失缺陷缺勤缺氧缺编瘦缺肥缺宁缺毋滥       ""有2个意思 1、缺少,如乏味贫乏不乏 2、疲倦,如乏困乏累疲乏。"乏"是会意字,从丿。"丿"发音""是否定性质的符号,表示"";"之"意为"到、达",引申为"足、够"。丿与之联用表示"不到不达"或"不足不够"。本义是"削减、减损"。 所有含有"乏"的字都有削减减损的意思,如"贬"字从贝从乏,意为"价值减损、降低","眨"字意为"目力输出减少","泛"字意为"水量因溢出而减损"     ""本义是"打哈欠",人在疲倦时张口出气,字形上像张开的口在出气;气出则不足,引申为"不够不足",如欠缺亏欠;又引申为"该归还的没有归还"或"该给的没有给",如欠债欠人情欠条。包含欠的字多和"气息"有关,如欢欣吹

         2)缺乏的意思是缺少必需的mean to be without something essential or greatly desired.  essential本质的必不可少的implies what belongs to the nature of a thing and cannot be removed without destroying the thing,如conflict is an essential element in drama矛盾是戏剧不可缺少的元素)